An independent day school serving grades K-12 | St. Paul, MN

Upper School Faculty and Staff

Our Upper School teachers blend a passion for teaching with disciplinary expertise and a genuine compassion and affection for the young adults who are their students. Upper School students largely view their teachers as subject experts and mentors rather than authoritarian figures, a view that makes the ultimate transition to college much smoother.

80% of our Upper School teachers hold advanced degrees in addition to the baccalaureate degree, and almost half of those teachers hold a doctorate or terminal degree in their field of study.

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Tina Akervik

Randolph Campus Health Assistant

Thomas Anderson

US Academic Dean

Stuart Arey

US Science

Karissa Baker

US Science

Raney Bice

US Mathematics

Rebecca Bjork

US Physical Education

Anne Boemler

US English, English Department Chair

Ben Bollinger Danielson

US History and Social Studies, History and Social Studies Department Chair

Neil Bray

M/US World Languages, Chinese, Hill Endowed Chair for World Languages

Julia Callander

US English

Kathryn Campbell

US Director of Publications, Rubicon Advisor

Rolando Castellanos

US World Languages, Spanish

Kate Clark

US Visual Arts

Kristin Collier

US English, Huss Endowed Chair in English

Randy Comfort

US Athletic Director

Sylvester Cutler

Director of Enrollment Management

Peter Daniels

US World Languages, Spanish

Matt Donald

M/US Mathematics

Tina Elfenbein

Director of College Counseling

Almut Engelhardt

M/US Orchestra, Private Lesson Supervisor, Brooks Chair in Visual and Performing Arts
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