An independent day school serving grades K-12 | St. Paul, MN

Middle School Faculty and Staff

SPA's Middle School teachers are masters of their disciplines and enjoy working with students entering young adolescence. All Middle School teachers are trained in Developmental Designs for Middle School, a program rooted in the development of caring communities, healthy relationships, and in the development of self-control, personal responsibility, and responsible independence. 85% of our Middle School faculty hold advanced degrees in addition to the baccalaureate degree.
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Tina Akervik

Randolph Campus Health Assistant

Virginia Andres

Middle School Principal

Sarah Baker

MS English and Social Studies

Ethan Bergeson

MS Learning Specialist

Mackenzie Bevins

MS Social Studies

Tami Brass

Director of Instructional Technology, MS Computer Science

Neil Bray

M/US World Languages, Chinese, Hill Endowed Chair for World Languages

Shannon Browne

MS Science, Frederick Weyerhaeuser Endowed Chair in Science

Carrie Clark

MS English

Christine Collins

MS Science & Computer Science

Sylvester Cutler

Director of Enrollment Management

Matylin DeMars

MS Mathematics

Matt Donald

M/US Mathematics

Almut Engelhardt

M/US Orchestra, Private Lesson Supervisor, Brooks Chair in Visual and Performing Arts

Kristin Flom

MS World Languages, French

Madeleine Flom-Staab

MS World Languages, German

Kate Glassman

MS English, 7th Grade Team Leader

Andrew Hueller

MS/US English

Anne Hutchins

Athletic Trainer

Alexis Irish

Intercultural Life Program Specialist
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