Kindergarten is a magical year. As the beginning of a child's academic journey, the Kindergarten year is full of "firsts." In each spacious, colorful classroom, the two Kindergarten teaching teams inspire students’ natural creativity and curiosity about the world. In this environment, children feel safe to learn, explore, and develop close relationships with their teachers and their peers.
- Language Arts: Our Kindergarten literacy program establishes the foundation for reading and writing by offering daily meaningful literacy experiences. Students receive one to two hours of direct literacy instruction each day, depending on the day in our six-day-cycle, in a variety of contexts including interactive read-alouds, shared reading, guided reading, phonics, spelling and word work, and writing.
- Math: The math program in Kindergarten is designed to help students build a solid foundation of mathematical skills and abilities. Students work in a combination of large-group, small-group, and center-based settings. Instruction is differentiated to meet each student’s individual math needs. Our Primary Math curriculum puts emphasis on critical thinking, teamwork, and student discussion. Students develop a positive mindset toward math and learn specific language to explain their mathematical thinking and reasoning.
- Social Studies: Kindergarten social studies is grounded in our TOOLBOX social-emotional learning program. Students learn the foundational and essential skills to know themselves and be a part of a diverse community. We share diverse books that reflect a wide variety of cultures and identities, which provide meaningful launching points for the four main areas of focus in social studies.
Kindergartners also work in specialist courses 2-3 times per six-day rotation. The specialist classes include science, Spanish, music and movement, art, physical education, and time in the Lower School library. Learn more about specialist courses.
Technology is introduced in Kindergarten through the thoughtful and deliberate use of iPads to support the curriculum in both the homerooms and specialist classrooms, and also through the use of Smartboards, which are in use in both Kindergarten homerooms. Kindergartners visit the Lower School Library at least once per rotation for story time and the opportunity to choose new books.
Adequate time for free play is critical for five- and six-year-olds. Children go outside every day for a full half-hour of recess in addition to a half-hour for lunch. Children also self-select indoor play opportunities during a daily free choice period.
Family involvement is an important part of the Kindergarten year. Teaching teams maintain close relationships with the families of Kindergarteners through regular emails, class website updates, written reports, and conferences. In May, families are invited to the Kindergarten Animal Museum, a showcase for students' end-of-year research projects.