An independent day school serving grades K-12 | St. Paul, MN

Notes for Hazel Belvo

In anticipation of the Alumni/ae Council Spring Speaker Series "Instilling a Love of Art: A Conversation with Hazel Belvo and the Students She Inspired", alumni/ae are invited to submit a note for Hazel. Messages can include favorite memories, moments of inspiration, updates on life, or even a general "hello". All messages will be compiled into a keepsake book that will be gifted to Hazel on the evening of the the Speaker Series program.

Notes may be submitted through the form below or by mail. 

If you wish to mail your note, please send it to the following address:
Kate Bogdan, Assistant Director of Alumni/ae Engagement and Annual Giving 
St. Paul Academy and Summit School
1712 Randolph Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105

All submissions must be received by no later than Friday, March 22, 2024 for inclusion in the book. Please note that messages may be scanned in as they are received or reformatted to fit appropriately into the book.

Asterisked items in bold are required. To include a photo with your submission, use the "Select File" button at the bottom of the form.

Thank you for your interest in submitting a note for Hazel Belvo. This form is currently closed as we are unable to accept any additional submissions at this time.