An independent day school serving grades K-12 | St. Paul, MN

Our Faculty and Staff

Everyone who works at SPA, both teachers and staff, is committed to our students and families. Explore the Faculty and Staff Directory, below, to search for people by name or department, or visit the Lower, Middle, and Upper School pages to view faculty directories by division.

1 2 3 10 > showing 1 - 20 of 200 constituents

Tina Akervik

Randolph Campus Health Assistant

Grace Alexander

Admission Associate

Tina Alvir-Romero

BIPOC Recruitment and Retention Specialist

Thomas Anderson

US Academic Dean

Charles Andres

IT Systems Specialist

Virginia Andres

Middle School Principal

Stuart Arey

US Science

Karissa Baker

US Science

Sarah Baker

MS English and Social Studies

Jake Ban

LS Assistant Principal

Courtney Barker

Director of Human Resources

Jenni Beadle

Associate Director of Admission

Ami Berger

Director of Communications

Ethan Bergeson

MS Learning Specialist

Adam Berggren

Maintenance Technician

Stephanie Bergholtz

LS Physical Education, Health and Wellness Department Chair

Mackenzie Bevins

MS Social Studies

Raney Bice

US Mathematics

Rebecca Bjork

US Physical Education
1 2 3 10 > showing 1 - 20 of 200 constituents